Guide To Making Sales

"Discover How To Successfully Convert Your Website Traffic Into Income And Sales"

Dear Internet Marketer,
How much more money would you be able to make if you knew without a shred of doubt that your website was properly optimized for the psychological art of sales?
Creating an effectively powerful sales page is the difference between asking people to buy, reminding people to buy and grabbing people by the neck and forcing them to buy. If you aren't sure you know how to create a powerful sales page that will be able to convert your traffic into paying customers, then you aren't making the most of your opportunities online.
When I started out online, I had a very difficult time making sales.
It sounds funny for me to be saying this, but a little more than a year ago, I didn't know the first thing about creating a website. I didn't know any HTML and I couldn't FTP if my life depended on it. I was your typical Internet newbie.
When I decided to start working online, my plan was to take a course in the basics of building a website, but I never got around to it.
Instead, I started reading eBooks and watching tutorials and picked up just barely enough to build a very plain and very basic salespage. I started joining affiliate programs and creating very, very simple websites to sell the product.
As you can probably imagine, I didn't make any sales. I barely got any traffic, so I wasn't completely surprised. I assumed that the reason I wasn't making any sales was because of my lack of traffic. I was foolishly confident that once people saw what I was selling, they'd scoop it up in a second. So I started buying traffic.
I spent two weeks getting traffic to my sales page and to my surprise, nothing changed. I still wasn't selling anything at all.
I was annoyed. I really believed in the effectiveness of my sales pitch and couldn't understand why no one was responding to it. Based on the traffic I was getting, I figured I should have made at least a dozen sales in two months, but no. Nothing.
Another week went by and I was getting more and more frustrated. I was spending good money on traffic and wasn't seeing any kind of return. I knew I needed to make some changes.
For probably the first time since I started my online adventure, I took a good hard look at my sales page. I tried my best to look at it from a customer's point of view and see what the potential problems might be.
I admitted to myself that I really didn't know the first thing about analyzing a website. I was familiar with reading websites, but my inexperience in designing and building them was overwhelming. I had some ideas of what needed to be improved, but I didn't know what those improvements needed to be. I was clearly in way over my head.
I had a friend Danny who worked online. I hadn't wanted to bother him with my questions earlier, but I had reached a point where I knew that I had no other choice. If I wanted to get this online sales thing happening, than I needed his help.
I rang him up and asked if he had time to meet with me. I told him what I was doing and told him that I needed some help.
Thankfully, he agreed to sit down with me for a couple of hours and point me in the right direction.
Danny sat with me for a couple of hours and explained exactly what I was doing wrong. He sat down at my computer and showed me what I needed to do to be successful. He pointed to my headline, my graphics, my guarantee, my fonts, the colors I used, even my font size and said they all needed optimizing.
I was speechless throughout Danny's lesson. I sat there with my mouth shut and my eyes wide with fascination. I furiously wrote down every word that came out of Danny's mouth and even took screenshots of what Danny was doing so I could reference it later.
When he was done, I looked at my sales page and didn't even recognize it. He changed pretty much every single aspect of the site. The entire page looked much more professional. I thanked him profusely, but told him that I wouldn't be able to do what he just did. I didn't have the skills or the experience creating sites like he could.
Danny looked at my pad where I had written my notes and said he thought I had enough to start with. He then told me to recreate what he had just done and email him the link in 12 hours. Danny then got up and left.
I sat down in front of my computer and tried to follow the instructions Danny gave me. It took me close to eight hours to get everything done that he wanted me to and when I was done, my site still didn't look exactly like Danny's. I sent it to him anyway, hoping he'd be impressed with my best effort.
Danny looked at my site and told me to make it live. He said that if it could convert my traffic into customers, then it was fine. If it didn't, he told me to continue optimizing the site until it worked.
I was excited that Danny though my site was ready to go live. I was hopeful that I would finally make a sale or two, so I uploaded it as quickly as I could.
I waited 12 hours, 18 hours, a full day and nothing happened. I was still getting traffic, but again, no one was buying.
So I took Danny's advice. I started changing things, fooling around with different color schemes, different headlines and different page layouts.
Every time I changed anything, I kept detailed notes about what I was doing. I knew I was on the right path and I also knew that if I continued down this path, I'd eventually get things right.
Sure enough, I eventually found something that worked and I started making sales.
The first few sales were great and helped strengthen my resolve, but I didn't feel completely satisfied with just a few sales. I continued optimizing the site and the more I worked, the more I wanted to learn more about the art of selling on the Internet.
I started reading more eBooks and picking Danny's brain about sales tactics and the psychology behind what powers people to purchase.
I started building multiple sales pages and pitted them against each other to see what methods worked better than others. Slowly, I was learning more and more and feeling more confident in my ability to build an effectively sales page.
In a shorter amount of time than I really expected, the sales were gushing in and I knew that I had finally reached my plateau. I couldn't believe that my hard work had finally paid off. People were soon coming to me with their questions and I was happy to help answer them.
The more questions I answered, the more I became aware of different problems that routinely popped up. I expanded my knowledge base and was about to get experience monetizing sites that were different than my own.
As sad as it was, I started getting too many questions than I had time to answer. I felt a kinship towards newbies and I wanted to help them like Danny helped me, but I couldn't possibly everyone. I just didn't have the time.
It was this reason that I decided to write The Newbie's Guide To Making Sales, so I could help people who needed my help. Initially, The Newbie's Guide To Making Sales was only available to people who emailed me looking for help, but I am now offering it to everyone who needs it.
If you are getting traffic, but can't make any sales, than this is one eBook you need to read.

Do You Know How To Convince Customers To Purchase?

Anyone can put two sentences together and create a sales pitch. It doesn't take much advanced knowledge to develop an argument and put it in place. Creating an effective sales pitch, though, is a completely different story.
To create a powerful sales letter that will convince web savvy customers to buy whatever it is you are selling, you need to learn the subtle, psychological tricks that the buying population can't resist.
The Newbie's Guide To Making Sales will help you understand the ancient art of sales and teach you how to create trance-inducing, sales-generating and profit-increasing sales copy. Don't miss this chance to secure the stability of your home.

"Increase Your Sales Today!"

There are lots of eBooks on the market that claim they could help you make money, and a lot of them can help. No book, though, will provide you with specific details of exactly what you need to do to convert your traffic (whether its 5 or 50,000 hits a day) into legitimate, product-buying customers.
If you are struggling to make sales, this is the one eBook you've been waiting for. The Newbie's Guide To Making Sales will explain the basics of sales psychology and help you understand the nuances that can make a huge difference. You'll understand why the size of your graphics, the colors of your headlines and the order of your paragraphs are more important than your URL, keywords and traffic generating methods.
Traffic is easy to find. Being able to close a sale isn't. Learn how you can make sure that every website you build will be profitable.