"Finally! There's a Fast, Easy, Affordable Way To Access Professional Picture-Taking Secrets And Capture The Best Digital Images Of Your Life!!!"
Digital Photography Secrets
The secrets of the professionals use every day to ensure their images look stunning each and every time. I found this out when a professional photographer friend of mine took me aside one day and told me the secrets he used.
I tried them all out and discovered that my images were MUCH, MUCH better. Not quite at the professional stage, but looking really good.
There's something you should know about me. I'm the kind of guy who likes to help out others. When I know about a great movie, a great bargain, or a great strategy for taking a picture, I want to share it with other people.
This book is the result of that philosophy.
I realized that not everyone was as lucky as me; not everyone has a friend who's a professional photographer. So, to "level" the picture-taking playing field, I decided to write a book myself on...
Everything the professionals know, but don’t want you to know about
using your digital camera to take stunning photos
using your digital camera to take stunning photos
This book covers everything you need to know to take stunning photos with your digital camera. It’s like having your very own professional photographer that you can reference any time you need to.
Do It By The Numbers
Superior digital photography is an art and Digital Photography Secrets lets you "paint by numbers" with:21+ outstanding foundation secrets for taking better photographs
over 125 glorious full-color images explaining the secrets and technique
4 alternate ways to shoot an object to make a much more interesting photo
2 sneaky places to look to find fantastic shooting locations
3 unusual subjects that make great night-time shots
4 simple ways to save on battery power
2 additional parts of your digital camera you should also keep clean - but most people never do
9 advantages of digital cameras over film cameras
6 reasons people still use film camera.
4 ways to ensure you use the correct white balance when taking your shots
"It is easy to read and thus easy to understand, and has turned taking pictures into a much more enjoyable experience. It is also very comprehensively and compact-ably informative, especially the sessions about the formats, printing and papers." -- Michele Ch'I
Be The "Go-To" Digital Photographer
Wherever You Go
Would you like to be the person people go to whenever they want to take stunning shots they want to keep forever?. I've put together special "shooting galleries" -- chapters filled with the tricks and strategies you need forShooting at weddings
Shooting while on vacation
Shooting at night or in low light
Shooting fireworks displays
Shooting perfect action photos
Shooting mountain vistas
Shooting sports events
Shooting stunning sunsets
Easy How-To Information
All your frequently asked questions are covered in detail, along with practical, usable information on subjects including:READ MORE DETAILS:How to deepen the contrast and color in the sky
How to get a pleasing and nicely balanced photo
How to add color and flavor to your image
The 1-2-3 method to avoid blurry images
The easy way to add sparkle to your subject's eyes.